Will You Stand/Speak?
This is Jack! He is one of KEEN New York 's young Athletes. KEEN is a non-profit volunteer based organization, providing fitness, sports, and recreation activities to #DiversAbleYouth at no cost to the family. Click Here to learn more about KEEN New York As the Program Coordinator, I am blessed to be in regular contact with children like Jack: fun, bright, sweet, and resilient. I get to see parents like his every weekend: dedicated, loving, persistent, advocates. Our society has come a long way in integrating #DiversAblePeople into everyday life, but the journey is not even close to an end. What happens to children like Jack when they grow up, when their parents aren't there anymore? Who will advocate for his best interests? Who will take a chance on giving him work? Who will offer a helping hand so he can do the "normal" daily life activities? Jack has a lot more "abilities" than some of our other Athlete's and I often ask, ...