Same & Different

"In some ways we are different, but in so many ways we are the same."

My 2 year old Little Bear (son) is currently obsessed with Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, a PBS show created in honor of Mr. Roger's himself. I'll admit, I wasn't a huge Mr. Roger's Neighborhood fan, but the man and his show are pretty iconic. Who can forget his jingle? How about his sweater? C'mon, you know you do.

I love Daniel Tiger for many reasons, but today I caught my son watching an episode called "Daniel's New Friend; Same and Different." It featured a character using crutches an wearing leg braces and focused on all the characters differences, and similarities. This made me tear up because I don't think parents today share this concept enough with children. Particularly during puberty, all kids want to do is fit in. We've all been there, and I'm not sure it can be fully prevented, but I'm so excited that my Little Bear will learn that "in some ways we are different, but in so many ways we are the same."

This falls perfectly in line with my vision for The DiversAble Model Project! In fact, it could've been our tagline. For a long time I wanted to disassociate myself from the DiversAble community. It was fear that caused this. I was afraid of being clumped in with people who were considered "incapable, disabled." It took many years for me to embrace diversity, particularly within myself. Now that I have, my desire is to show everyone, both people who do and do not identify with having Diverse Abilities, that we are all beautiful; "Unveiling True Beauty!"

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