#HunnyBee's Story - The Beginning

When I first started The #DiversAbleModel Project I knew I wanted it to evolve into something bigger than just fashion. I wanted the blog and the project itself to give people a place to openly share their "normal" lives. I wanted to help everyone understand that everyone is part of the #DiversAble population because we all have Diverse Abilities. I'll be honest, it's been very frustrating lately feeling like I just can't get the content that I once had, content that is genuinely impactful and has power.

This may sound strange, but last night I had a dream that I documented my pregnancy journey on my blog. I woke up thinking about all the doctors that have told me how little information on pregnancy and Arthrogryposis (my Diverse Ability) there is. When I was researching the challenges I might face during my first pregnancy, I was so disappointed at the lack of information. For this reason, I'm going to do my best to be part of the solution. I'll try to share here at least once a week, sometimes through writing and pictures, other times through video. Some of my experience will be the same as every other woman, while others will likely be very different. Either way, I hope this journey will empower you to strive for all your goals and to be there for those who need a little help achieving theirs! 
xo, Mandi
My first confirmation that our #HunnyBee is on it's way!
P.S. Of course there will be lots of fashion included in this journey! A momma has to look good, right?


  1. I'm so glad that God brought us to become friends so long ago wished we had more time to talk. I can't even tell you how many times I shared God's story in our lives as far as being committed in prayer. You inspire me in so many ways and thats Just how God shows himself in you your story and what I know about you over the years has helped me ignore the lack of knowledge in some people when they ask me if I'll ever be able to have children or how would I take care of it having a diverseability. Thank God that He does anything and everything He wants. May Jesus keep blessing you as you proclaim His name and open new doors for your business to reach new levels new clientel for His glory. Love you.

    1. This made me cry sweet friend! I'm so grateful for you and God has big plans in store for your life <3


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