
Showing posts from 2018

The Wedding

As I celebrated my 10 year wedding anniversary today, my mind kept wandering to the "Find Your Beautiful" Chapel. If you visit the Chapel , the first picture you'll see is of a beach wedding setup. I searched for a long time for the perfect picture of a church, cathedral, temple and chapel to use, but nothing felt right. I prayed because I believe God really cares about me, about this project. I felt led to look for wedding pictures because my hope is to use the Chapel to marry believers with a community of supporters and non-believers to a place where they will find their Beautiful if they truly seek it. Believers will fully understand the metaphor of marriage in relation to Christ and the church. For all those who don't, I pray you'll return to the Chapel to learn about His love. It is as romantic, Beautiful, and passionate as many women crave from their marriages. His love is also as strong, loyal, just, and patient as many men desire from their marriages. I ...

Going to the Chapel and we're gonna get...Beautiful!

My decision on this has been like a seasaw, going up and down. I can't run away from who I am at my core, and being a woman who believes in and wholeheartedly loves Jesus is central to my life. Oh, the countless reasons I can share why I believe, the miracles, the spiritual encounters, but none of this will make you believe. Faith is an interesting catch-22; you have to have faith to experience God, but many have to experience God to have faith. So, I decided to create the "Find Your Beautiful" Camp Chapel as a place where you can stop the crazy catch-22 cycle and truly come as you are. Whether you are a believer or not, there will be something special for you at the Chapel. From Art and Dance, to a War Room and Devotionals, you will have something to contribute and receive. There will even be a place for you to share your doubts and disbelief. I believe this is all part of finding your Beautiful. The best thing about the Chapel, besides the awesomeness being built wi...

What is this camp thing anyway?

I've gotten a lot of questions from people wanting to know what exactly "Find Your Beautiful" Camp is. Despite reworking the mission and vision, this is still difficult to really explain. However, I'll do my best here! Beautiful is a word many people have tried to define and redefine. The one thing that is common among all the companies and organizations that are giving beauty a definition is that they keep trying a "one size fits all" model. No matter how much "diversity" they include, it's still presented as a concept that people should strive for, always leaving room for failure (you fail if you don't buy the product, join the business, subscribe, etc). Through "Find Your Beautiful" Camp, I'm aiming to break this not so Beautiful, in fact downright ugly, model. "Find Your Beautiful" Camp is based on the principle that Beauty is a perception that one must create and see for themselves. It is a state of b...

Beautiful Things

Yes, I'm back...again. The success this blog may one day see will truly be hard earned. Only God can truly start with nothing and create beauty in one-shot. For the rest of us, creating beautiful things is a process. I learned some time ago not to make promises about this blog. I have always had huge visions and hopes for it, but better to surprise than disappoint you. So, I leave any who read this with a little glimmer of what I dream this new effort to bring: