Going to the Chapel and we're gonna get...Beautiful!

My decision on this has been like a seasaw, going up and down. I can't run away from who I am at my core, and being a woman who believes in and wholeheartedly loves Jesus is central to my life. Oh, the countless reasons I can share why I believe, the miracles, the spiritual encounters, but none of this will make you believe.

Faith is an interesting catch-22; you have to have faith to experience God, but many have to experience God to have faith. So, I decided to create the "Find Your Beautiful" Camp Chapel as a place where you can stop the crazy catch-22 cycle and truly come as you are. Whether you are a believer or not, there will be something special for you at the Chapel. From Art and Dance, to a War Room and Devotionals, you will have something to contribute and receive. There will even be a place for you to share your doubts and disbelief. I believe this is all part of finding your Beautiful.

The best thing about the Chapel, besides the awesomeness being built within, is that EVERYONE will have access to every part of it. You don't need to register for camp, pay any fee, or do anything special to be part of "Find Your Beautiful's" Chapel community!!

The Chapel is being built and is scheduled to open its doors on August 1st. I hope to see you there!

*Stay tuned to learn why I get wedding pictures to represent the Chapel 😁


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